
Why Blog




Since I first learned about computers a few years ago, the many blog posts on the internet have helped me through many nights of self-study, taking a number of exams and projects. This past year in particular has been like that, wanting a blog of my own more and more. I was eventually influenced by WrongWong’s design and finally started a self-hosted blog.


In fact, the time from deciding to actually take action to having an online blog is just ten minutes or so, it would have been better to do it earlier.


After building the site and figuring out how the theme works, this took me quite a while. There’s still a lot of changes to be made after that, but that’s it for now.

I’ll probably switch to Hugo-PaperMod later. it looks better, and the style is pretty minimalist.

According to Wang’s layout, I changed the text of the original theme to SiYuan Song font (450 weight); the font size became 120%; increased the overall width of the page to 1060px, so that it looks more like a blog in 2023 rather than 2013; and made some layout adjustments, which is a bit simpler than I expected, and the CSS code is still very nice to read. I’m pretty happy with the layout now and shouldn’t be changing it anytime soon.

When I have time, I’ll consider taking the ivy out of the theme folder and making my own theme entirely instead of modifying it inside the ivy folder, which is kind of DIRTY.

July 12, 2023:

Based on Wang’s incorrect layout, modified the text of the original theme to SiYuan Song font (450 weight); the font size became 120%; increased the overall width of the page to 1060px so that it looks more like a 2023 blog than a 2013 one; and made some layout tweaks, which is a bit easier than I expected, and the CSS code is still pretty good to understand. I’m pretty happy with the layout now and shouldn’t be changing it anytime soon.

When I have time I’ll consider taking the ivy out of the theme folder and making my own theme entirely instead of modifying it inside the ivy folder, which is kind of DIRTY.

July 15, 2023:

Updated blog post directory on home page and table of contents page (split links between English and Chinese), updated auto-generated English and Chinese jump links on content pages.

October 5, 2023:

Updated the content of head_custom.html to automatically compile _ as \_ to prevent conflicts between LaTex and MD formats. From now on, there’s no need for manual adjustments; both local and web platforms can gracefully render the same effect.

This means, originally when outputting $a_1$, I had to write a\_1 locally. But now, I can directly write a_1 locally.

参考的博客 Referenced Blogs

I hope you will find all the information you want on this page.