
About me

Me, 2023

Hi there

This page is to give you an idea of who I am.

People usually call me Mike. I see myself as a student passionate about making things happen.

Most of my day is spent sleeping, and when I’m not, I’m either studying or coding. While engaged in these activities, I often listen to music or watch live streams to keep things interesting. During my free time, I enjoy traveling and playing video games. I’ve also dabbled in video production, article writing, and even radio hosting, although these were short-term ventures that I didn’t pursue long-term. Swimming is my forte, and I take pride in reaching my current level without formal coaching.

If all goes well, I plan to make a living in computer science. I’ve studied machine learning, natural language processing, data science, and software development within and outside formal educational settings. For this reason, most of the content on this blog will be computer-related. You can find my academic resume here. You can contact me via my Yahoo email (mike777777768-blog[at] [y….] [dot]com). Please resend your message if I don’t respond within three business days.

How should I call you?

An interesting fact is that we usually address someone by their surname first, followed by their given name. That is to say, if Michael Jackson were born in China, he would be called Jackson Michael.

Moreover, we don’t particularly have a preference for addressing someone by their surname or given name; you can call him Michael or Jackson. Neither would be considered impolite.

This should clear up any confusion you might have. Generally speaking, calling me Sun would be easier for both of us.

The Meta World

I reside in the digital world, specifically in the realm created by tech giants.

I watch live streams. The reason is simple: When I’m working on tedious assignments, I want to make the most of my time by absorbing as much information as possible while also making the task less monotonous. I mainly watch three types of streams: gaming (mostly single-player games), chatting (talk shows), and singing. Streamers like Yang Shu, Boluo Saidong, and Azi have kept me company through many nights, bringing me much joy.

I play video games, including console and competitive games. The FPS game I’ve spent the most time on is Apex Legends, and my favorite team is DF. When time permits, I’d love to write a blog post about my favorite single-player games, but for now, I’ll just list their names here: Spore, The Sims.

As for my weaknesses, as a student who has never been interviewed, I often simulate how I would answer interview questions to help the interviewer understand me better in the shortest time possible. Physically, I’m not robust and have limited resilience against stress and anxiety. I often find myself starving yet unable to eat, which worsens my health in a vicious cycle. However, I’ve grown accustomed to working and studying even when I’m not feeling well, so it doesn’t affect my mood much.

Outcomes do not drive me. Although achievements often measure success, I find this logic flawed. Abandoning outcome-driven goals can be problematic if it becomes an excuse for shirking responsibilities. Still, I believe I’ve put in the appropriate effort in almost all aspects of my life. In competitive gaming, we don’t play to win; we play to practice the right way of playing or the “Tao.” If outcomes were all that mattered, why not just cheat?

For this reason, I have little patience for those who peddle anxiety by drawing up life blueprints for me. Primarily when it’s based on pure empiricism devoid of any rationale and even more so when predatory motives back it. The world isn’t full of secrets; even if it were, it’s better to act as if it isn’t. Computer engineering isn’t rocket science, and neither is life.

Book & Song List

I maintain a list of song sheets if you’re interested, mainly Chinese songs. I also listen to some English songs occasionally, from John Mayer and The Beatles to MGMT and PiL. Also, I’ve synchronized some of my reading notes and posted them to this blog.

I put the latest five items in those two lists here.

Museum List

As someone who loves to visit museums and galleries, here are some of my favorite museums.

Other forms

Mastodon https://m.cmx.im/@m7